Material Transfer Agreements

Material transfer agreements (MTAs) are agreements that govern the use of material which is being supplied by one party, typically the owner of the material, to another party for a particular use, for example, evaluation of the material, licensing of the material, or research. Such material may include for example, cells, cell lines, cultures, pharmaceutical compounds or compositions, transgenic animals, plasmids, bacteria, proteins, as well as other materials.

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Patent Agent

Claire drafts and prosecutes patents in a broad range of technologMBM read_more_btnies including "green" technologies

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 The process of invention is complete only with the IP protection provided in law. That's where MBM comes in. We match our clients' creative thinking with the creative protection needed to achieve their goals.Read More About MBM

Clarifications to the Data Protection Guidance Document

Health Canada recently announced that section 2.1 of its Guidance Document re: Data Protection has been amended to clarify that the prior approval of a medicinal ingredient in a drug for veterinary use will not preclude the granting of data protection for a drug for...Read More