American Conference Institute’s 17th Advanced Forum on Life Sciences Collaborative Agreements and Acquisitions
Maximizing Opportunities and Rewards in M&A, Licensing, Partnering Deals, and Strategic Alliances
A seasoned faculty of business development, licensing, and alliance management executives from top life sciences companies like Pfizer, AstaZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi Pasteur, Novartis, and Bayer will help you enable your company to advance its key growth strategies.
The Carleton Hotel, New York NY (USA)
For more information please visit 17th Advanced Forum on Life Sciences
The Carleton Hotel
88 Madison Avenue, New York
New York, New York, 10016
United States
The process of invention is complete only with the IP protection provided in law. That's where MBM comes in. We match our clients' creative thinking with the creative protection needed to achieve their goals.
Protection for new plant varieties has been available for just over twenty years in Canada. As new technologies are sought for increasing and improving crop production, Plant Breeders’ Rights help to encourage such innovation by rewarding plant breeders with exclusive rights to sell, and to produce for sale, the reproductive material of their new plant variety.