MaRS Future of Medicine 2012
This year’s event will focus on market access for medical technology.
MaRS Discovery District / Toronto, ON
For more information please visit MaRS Future of Medicine
MaRS Centre
101 College Street, Toronto, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario,
Patent Agent“Suzanne focuses on the drafting and prosecuting of biochemical, pharmaceutical, chemical as well as cleantech and green technology patents.”
The process of invention is complete only with the IP protection provided in law. That's where MBM comes in. We match our clients' creative thinking with the creative protection needed to achieve their goals.
Protection for new plant varieties has been available for just over twenty years in Canada. As new technologies are sought for increasing and improving crop production, Plant Breeders’ Rights help to encourage such innovation by rewarding plant breeders with exclusive rights to sell, and to produce for sale, the reproductive material of their new plant variety.