Exciting recent events – reflecting back

Pen on calendar imageExciting recent events – reflecting back...

May 4-8 2013 - INTA 135th Annual Meeting was buzzing this year in Dallas, Texas which left very little site seeing time for our MBM team Scott Miller, Adam Tracey and Jonathan Roch.  The MBM INTA team thoroughly enjoyed connecting with many of our associates at the conference.  An extra special thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to connect with us and we very much look forward to connect again next year.  To see photos from this event please visit our Facebook page.

April 26, 2013 – MBM World IP Day open house networking event at our head office in Ottawa, ON was a full house!  Local professionals, friends, colleagues, business owners and entrepreneurs all joined us in a casual, relaxed setting in honor of World IP Day.  It was a great opportunity to network, share ideas and learn with those who share the same interest.  This year’s theme for World Intellectual Property Day was creativity the next generation so we invited some winners from Ottawa U and Carleton U to participate in our event to talk about their innovative ideas with our guests.  To see photos from this event please visit our Facebook page.   

May 24-26 – Startup Weekend Ottawa - Startup Weekend Ottawa is part of the Startup Weekend global initiative that brings together leaders and entrepreneurs for an intense, focused weekend (54 hours) that empowers entrepreneurs to learn the basics of what’s involved with starting up a business and launching a successful venture.  Teams are formed, ideas are shared and by the end of the weekend some of those ideas become a reality.  Developers, designers, marketers, product managers and creative minds help make up the teams and local leaders are there to help coach them through it all.  It’s an incredible opportunity to inspire and be inspired. For its 2nd year in a row Startup Weekend Ottawa is attracting local talent and creativity.  As sponsors MBM is proud to support and encourage young talent as we understand what it takes to create and protect an idea.  We have extensive experience with entrepreneurs and have helped ideas become a reality.  We work with small to large and multi-national organizations every day to protect their intellectual property.  No matter how big or small your idea MBM can help.

To learn more about upcoming events that MBM will be attending please visit our IP Calendar or contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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DR. Stuart Bristowe

Patent Agent

Stuart’s practice focuses on the drafting and prosecution of patent applications in various areas of technology.MBM read_more_btn

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 The process of invention is complete only with the IP protection provided in law. That's where MBM comes in. We match our clients' creative thinking with the creative protection needed to achieve their goals.Read More About MBM


There are currently three options available in Canada by which an Applicant can expedite issuance of a patent...Read More