
MBM services single trademarks

A solid brand is one of the most important tools for a successful marketing of your business. Likewise, it’s imperative your trademarks are protected and vigorously enforced in order to preserve your brand reputation.

Our experienced trademarks team, comprised of litigators and trademark agents, has the wealth of knowledge and innovative skill set to maximize your trademark protection and fully enforce your trademark rights. We counsel clients on the selection, protection, and enforcement of company names, brand names, logos and taglines for Canadian and worldwide markets, including filing, prosecution, registration and licensing.

Our lawyers have successfully enforced trademark protection before all levels of Court including the Supreme Court of Canada, Federal Court of Appeal and Federal Court. We also caused the Canadian Trademarks office to amend their practices in a land mark decision.

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DR. Michael Maskery

Patent Agent

Michael's practice focuses on the patent drafting, prosecution and strategy in a variety of technology fields.MBM read_more_btn


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About MBM

 The process of invention is complete only with the IP protection provided in law. That's where MBM comes in. We match our clients' creative thinking with the creative protection needed to achieve their goals.Read More About MBM


It has been a long-standing position of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office that sounds cannot function as trademarks.  While many countries in the world recognize and routinely register sound marks....Read More