
MBM single industries-served electrical electronics

Technology and science continue to advance the field of electronics at an accelerated pace. Businesses are in a constant race to create and protect their innovations in this highly competitive marketplace. MBM’s Electrical Group has been in the middle of many of these technological advances, helping inventors build highly enforceable and strong patent portfolios.

We are proud to provide our clients with extensive knowledge in the electrical and electronics sector. Our professionals have vast industry experience, for example in hardware, software and firmware design and deployment, data networking, wireless systems, signal processing, electronics manufacturing, power systems, automatic control, solid-state lighting and energy conversion. Furthermore, we have built solid relationships with clients in the manufacturing and design sectors of several of these industries.

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Randall is a partner of the firm and has been certified as a specialist in all areas of Canadian IP Law.
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About MBM

 The process of invention is complete only with the IP protection provided in law. That's where MBM comes in. We match our clients' creative thinking with the creative protection needed to achieve their goals.Read More About MBM


There are currently three options available in Canada by which an Applicant can expedite issuance of a patent...Read More